COVID-19 Prevention
COVID-19 started to spread in Bangladesh since March 2020. Infections remained low until the end of March but there was a sharp rise in April 2020. As of 31 December 2021, there have been a total of 15,85,539 confirmed COVID cases in Bangladesh, with 15,65,955 recoveries and 28,072 deaths. DCRP has developed a Management Plan for COVID-19 which has been implemented and updated by the contractors as per requirement. The Guidelines specifies a set of mitigative and monitoring actions based on the IEDCR standard and DGHS policy which will be undertaken by the contractors. Contractors are following/implementing the COVID-19 plan in the sites. CSC has been monitoring COVID-19 safeguard issues regularly as per guidelines in the project areas and it is under control.

COVID-19 Prevention and Mitigation Measures
As per instruction of CSC Health Safety and Environment (HSE) team, both contractors are following Bangladesh Government (GOB) guidelines and in particular “Guidelines for prevention and control of COVID-19” of the Directorate General of Health Service (DGHS). The HSE team has also shared the Bangladesh Railways’ office order for the continuation of the project works and advised the contractor to prepare their own action plan to save the workers and staffs/employees from this pandemic disease. CSC is also regularly providing guidelines, advisory notes, check list and daily updates of pandemic situation. Besides, CSC HSE team has also issued several official letters on COVID-19 preventive measures to the contractors for taking necessary actions at project sites, accommodations & office premises.
The contractors are implementing and following the general guidelines to control the spreading of COVID-19 at all sites, worker sheds, accommodations & office premises. The updated actions are followings :
(i) Awareness Program on COVID -19
The contractors have taken actions following COVID-19 guidelines of CSC through arranging orientation program/awareness/training/short briefing on COVID-19 among the workers & staffs/employees addressing description of the disease, symptoms, transmissibility, severity and WHO’s key prevention messages (Appendix-9, Photo 1,2).
(ii) Use of Face Masks
Where people are close to each other or where social distance is difficult to maintain, use of face mask is predominantly important in these areas. Wearing face mask is obligated by Contractors (Lot 1& lot 2) in workplaces of DCRP where maintaining of physical distance is unavoidable (Appendix-9, Photo 3,4).
(iii) Body Temperature Measurement
The contractors (Lot 1 & lot 2) have set up temperature measurement check points at the main entrance of living areas, office areas in the camp. Besides, the contractor has appointed safety personnel to measure the temperature of the personnel during in and out of site every day (Appendix-9, Photo 5,6) and it is under monitoring of CSC.
(iv) Hand Washing Facilities
Washing hands with soap and water is the single most efficient measure against COVID-19. It is the most effective way to protect ourselves against the infection. The contractor’s (Lot 1 & lot 2) personnel/workforces have been advised to wash their hands regularly with clean water and soap for at least 20 seconds or clean with a hand sanitizer; avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands (Appendix-9, Photo 7,8).
(v) Office Disinfection & Cleanliness
If someone discharges droplets of infected fluid, most of these droplets fall on nearby surfaces and objects -such as desks, tables, keyboards or telephones. The personnel can be affected with COVID-19 by touching contaminated surfaces or objects and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. The contractors (Lot 1 & lot 2) have taken actions following HSE team suggested guidelines to disinfect the following areas – surfaces and objects such as doors, tables, desks, keyboards, glasses, etc.
(vi) Vehicle Disinfection
The contractors (Lot 1 & lot 2) have taken extra care to keep the cars/vehicles clean and disinfect, as this will reduce the chance of the virus being transmitted through commonly touched surfaces such as wheel, steering wheel, gearstick, seats and door handles. The contractors have taken actions to sanitize vehicles through disinfected liquid spray regularly (Appendix-9, Photo 11,12).
(vii) Maintaining Social Distance
Social and physical distancing is obligatory to limit the spread of COVID-19. The contractors (Lot 1 & lot 2) have been instructed by CSC to keep a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from each other in crowded places or in groups or in work place (Appendix-9, Photo 13,14).
(viii) Poster Displaying/Safety Signage’s for Awareness
The contractors (Lot 1 & lot 2) have displayed posters/safety signage’s on COVID-19 preventive measures for awareness at project sites, mainly on the work stations, temporary offices, labor sheds, camps and the project’s operation areas that may help to promote good respiratory hygiene practice (Appendix-9, Photo 15,16).
(ix) Visitor Entry System in the Work Station
The visitors must confirm that they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms and have not been in contact with anyone who has the virus or symptoms of the virus. Before entering the sites, camps & offices, the visitors is bounded by contractors to wear masks, contact with the security personnel for temperature measurement and register in the waiting area. The visitors are required to actively maintain more than one-meter social distance in the camp & site. Any visitor whose body temperature is higher than 37.2ºC or do not cooperate with body temperature detection or refuse to wear masks are not allowed to enter the sites, camps, & offices of DCRP.
(x) COVID-19 Cases
Covid-19 cases were recorded in CSC, DCRP during this reporting period.
(xi) Vaccinations
A total of 121 CSC staffs, 108 staffs are booster dose vaccinated, 13 staffs are double dose vaccinated and these CSC staffs are waiting for booster vaccinations. Most of the Contractors’ staffs are vaccinated and it is under process and monitored by the HSE team of the CSC.
Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19
The sufficient prevention measures have been taken against COVID-19 that include avoiding personnel from unnecessary movement within construction in and out site, inclusion of Covid-19 prevention speech in the regular tool-box meetings attended by construction workers; distribution of face masks among construction workers and provision of wash areas in the construction sites as well as disinfecting booths in the project’s camp.