Environment and Resource Analysis Center Ltd. (ENRAC)

Environment and Resource Analysis Center (ENRAC) Ltd. is an autonomous, multi-disciplinary consulting firm. It has been inaugurated by a group of highly qualified and dedicated experts of development interventions. It is a limited company incorporated under the Company’s Law of Bangladesh. It started its journey in the year 1999. ENRAC is proud to be an evolvement, partner providing appropriate, adequate and sustainable solutions and resolution for infrastructure development through innovative, originative ideas, capacity building and training. ENRAC provides services from the stage of inception to the completion of projects. Focusing on the need of clients and society, ENRAC has expanded its activities in diversified fields to develop areas of expertise and strengthen its capabilities.
ENRAC has work experience in both natural and social sciences of different areas of development sectors. These areas include Natural Resources and Environment, Water Supply, Waste Management and Sanitation, Water Resource Management, Agriculture, Climate Change Adaptation, Environmental and Social Assessment, Baseline Surveys, Economic and Social Studies, Institutional Strengthening, Transportation, Agro-Industries, River and Port, Information Technology (IT), Low Carbon Development, Training and Education, Project Management etc.
ENRAC is proud to have been trusted and in confidence by its many clients. ENRAC offers its services at international standards with creative thinking backed by diverse range of applicable engineering and technological innovations. Working to realize the hopes and aspirations of people to improve their living standards, ENRAC continues to serve their purpose as key building blocks in the expanding economic arena.

Mission & Vision:
To achieve sustainable development of Bangladesh in every sector with our consulting services which is governed with our very specific vision governed with our core values. Our relationship with our clients is what that matters the most. We succeed when our clients succeed. And thus our values stand for: Integrity and Diversity | Quality and Commitment | Sustainability and Safety
Corporate Policy:
ENRAC thrives for sustainable integrated development by participating in planning and implementation of development interventions through consulting services in training, research and project related activities. ENRAC believes that in development efforts, participatory approach is very effective and sustainable; and experts give due considerations to local wisdom in all stages of project cycle. In its actions the firm adheres to the following principles:
– Bear in mind the social and economic interests of the women and deprived section of the population.
– Be concerned with the effects of development work on people and environment.
– Join hands with experts from different fields in a coordinated manner for sustenance.

Website Address: https://www.enrac.com.bd/
Office Address: Block G, Road 13, House 19, Flat B1, Niketon, Ghulshan 1, Dhaka1213
Contact Number : +8801707446974 +8801741288799
Email : info@enrac.com.bd, samia@enrac.com.bd
Social Media : LInkedin