Income And Livelihood Restoration Program (ILRP)

DCRP has provision of design and implementation of the Livelihood and Income Restoration Program (ILRP) to assist those severely affected households and those affected households which are considered as vulnerable households, in order to restore their income and livelihoods at pre-project levels and enable them to improve their livelihoods to better levels than before the project. The Income Livelihood Restoration Program (ILRP) has already been arranged for one member of each vulnerable household and each severely affected household.

The Livelihood Improvement Training has been provided for one member from each 1,100 vulnerable and severely affected households. Training choices, options, preferences, etc. of the prospective trainees depend on their demands for livelihood improvement based on their local knowledge and needs. Their training choices, options, preferences, etc. have been collected, known, identified and determined by the INGO (DORP, recruited by the BR to conduct ILRP Training) through a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) process at the initial stage of implementation of ILRP.

Preference on Professional Skill Development Training

This process has been followed by designing and developing the training courses such as poultry & livestock farming, tailoring/sewing, fish & vegetable cultivation etc. Each participant will also receive a seed grant upon completion of the training course in order to support setting up their own small enterprises. It will be up to the household to designate the eligible member as a trainee. The RP has a provision to encourage vulnerable households to send eligible female members of their households as prospective participants in the training. Each female and each male trainee will get the seed grant BDT 25,000 upon completion of the training course. Each female trainee will also get an additional BDT 10,000. That is, the seed grant and additional assistance provided to female trainees will be higher (BDT 35,000) than the seed grant (BDT 25,000) provided to male trainees. The above-mentioned provision of seed grant & additional allowance for each female trainee will encourage vulnerable families to send female members as trainees. It is to be mentioned that the livelihood training has been started since 31 July, 2022 and it’s being continued till date. Up to December 2022, in total, 25 training batches have been wrapped up under the Income & Livelihood Restoration Program (ILRP). A significant number of vulnerable women have taken part in those batches and here we go through a table presentation to get updated on the ongoing ILRP Program in the below: (Table updated on Dec’22)

ILRP Activities Digital

Staff Orientation Session on ILRP

Our Location

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