Development Design Consultants Limited ( DDC)

Development Design Consultants Limited (DDC), an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, was founded as a Partnership Firm in 1972 in Bangladesh and later was converted into a Private Limited Company in 1978. After decades of high end successful service delivery to the clients and Sector Review carried out by the Swedish Federation of Architects & Consulting Engineers, DDC was ranked as the 88th largest among the top 200 consultants of the World.
DDC as a multi-disciplinary consulting firm has been extending state-of-the-art services to the government, private corporations and international organizations. DDC offers a full range of services starting from project conception right up to completion including reconnaissance survey, physical survey, project identification, feasibility study, environmental and social impact assessment, economic studies, re-settlement assessment, planning, detailed engineering, bid documentation, construction supervision, project management, post evaluation etc.

DDC as a multi-disciplinary consulting firm has been extending state-of-the-art services to the government, private corporations and international organizations. DDC offers a full range of services starting from project conception right up to completion including reconnaissance survey, physical survey, project identification, feasibility study, environmental and social impact assessment, economic studies, re-settlement assessment, planning, detailed engineering, bid documentation, construction supervision, project management, post evaluation etc.

As one of the leading consulting firm, DDC is highly diversified in expertise and sectorial specialization. DDC provides, in the most professional manner, consultancy services for a wide range of civil, mechanical, electrical and electronics, energy, health, education, agriculture, environmental &ecology, water resources, socio-economy, IT, research, capacity development training and other social infrastructure projects. DDC maintains a roll of highly committed and experienced professionals specialized in diverse disciplines and can offer best team for any project related development activities. It has successfully completed a large number of projects in different development sectors including many notable projects financed by the WB, ADB, IDA, JICA, DFID, CIDA, IDB and other international development partners and organizations.

To be the outstanding provider of dedicated specialists and integrated services in the built and natural environment within Bangladesh and beyond.
DDC is committed to fulfilling the needs of its clients and employees through quality service, innovation and leadership. To facilitate this commitment, the firm is committed to fostering customer knowledge, technical innovation and focused expertise. DDC is proud that the fulfilment of its mission is often recognized by the public, clients and the consultancy industry.
The strategy of DDC is to continue to grow the consultancy business within Bangladesh and globally beyond whilst improving all aspects of operation and performance.
DDC Activities at DCRP Project


With a portfolio of five decades of insightful consulting experience, DDC is moving forward through the competent leadership of eminent Engineer Mr. AKM Rafiquddin – the Managing Director of Development Design Consultants Ltd. A total of 9 most qualified Directors with their diversified knowledge and local and international experience are working relentlessly with the Managing Director to place DDC at a higher landmark of success.
Development Design Consultants Limited (DDC) is headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh, at the “DDC Center,” 47 Mohakhali Commercial Area, Dhaka-1212, and also possesses the following own offices. Additionally, DDC maintains project offices located throughout the country.
Phone : +880-2-8822980
Email : |
Project Office: House no-17, Road no-2, South Khulshi, Chattogram-4225
Development Design Consultants Limited (DDC), engaged as Project Management Consultant (PMC) under Contract No. PD/DHZ-COX/PMC dated 30 January 2019, has been working in the Railway Sector of Bangladesh for a long period and acquired vast and diversified experience in supervision of construction works in various projects. In addition to the construction supervision works, they have been employed as management consultants in other development works of various sectors in the country. As Management Support Consultants, they work directly under the control of the Project Director as an integral part of the Project Management Unit (PMU). They are providing support to PMU in respect of management, safeguard implementation, contract administration, technical support, quality control and monitoring support. The Panel of Experts of DDC have been conducting frequent site visits to monitor the actual vs. planned progress of the works and identify if any urgent issue to be addressed to expedite the implementation of the works.