Eventful Bangladesh Society ( E B S )
Eventful Bangladesh Society (EBS) is a non-political and non-government organization (NGO) committed to promote national development and participate with SDGs through upgrading the socio-economic condition of the society.
Eventful Bangladesh Society started its activities in 2004 with its own resources in the community of a small village on Netrokona District. Now as a local NGO of Bangladesh, Eventful Bangladesh Society has expanded its activities in 5 Upazillas of 02 Districts in Dhaka Division. Near about 20,000 beneficiaries are benefited through the EBS services. Presently, the organization has implementing various kinds of development activities, with the assistance of different development partners & agencies.
Eventful Bangladesh Society believes that partnership and assistance in different organizations/ forums are essential for successful implementation of development activities. The organization is increasingly developing linkages and relations with many organizations/ forums for mutual benefits. The development approach of Eventful Bangladesh in executing the program is to follow participatory development approach. Particularly the organization is given emphasis on disadvantaged and underprivileged tribal people, women and children’s empowerment.
Eventful Bangladesh Society attaches high priority to gender equity and strives to bring about positive and lasting changes in the lives of Bangladeshi tribal people, women and girls through empowering them to take control of their own lives. Eventful Bangladesh also facilitates processes that can broaden opportunities for women and girls and assists in removing the barriers that hinder them capitalizing on the existing and new opportunities. The organization actively participates in various forums and campaign aiming at reducing gender discrimination and violence against women. The ongoing development projects of Eventful Bangladesh Society are mainly targeted at human development and poverty elevation. Most of these programs are operated with the assistance of different local and international development partners & agencies.
Accretive, democratic, poverty & hunger free progressive Bangladesh.
Eventful Bangladesh Society believes in bottom- up approach and working hand in hand with people, with a special emphasis on tribal people, women and hardcore poor of the society by way of helping them to be conscious about socio economic and political situation and to realize the values, dignity and rights of each of and every individual and help them take action of nonviolence as well as profitable activities for their health and socio – economic development.
To raise the socio-economic condition of the poor to a level that they can effectively participate in national development with enhanced capacity and dignity a fulfillment of their basic rights.
The major objectives of Eventful Bangladesh Society are to increased capabilities of Bangladeshi community by providing need based services and supports like; awareness raising, non-formal and formal education, promote gender equality, women empowerment, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases, prevention of women and child trafficking, ensure environmental sustainability & socio-economic development of indigenous people and micro-credit etc.
Year of Establishment: 2004 | Contact Person: Mr. Rukon Uzzaman (Executive Director)
Phone : +8801313-418779 | Website: www.ebsbd.org