Project Introduction
PROJECT NAME : South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Chittagong(SASEC) – Cox’s Bazar Railway Project , Phase 1.
Project Title : Construction of New Dual Gauge Single Railway Line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu & Ramu to Gundum near Myanmar.
Loan Number : 3438-BAN, 3439(SF)-BAN and 3780-BAN.
Borrower : Government of Bangladesh.
Executing Agencies : Bangladesh Railway, Ministry of Railways.
Development Partner : Asian Development Bank
Client Address / Contact Details : Bangladesh Railway, Central Railway Building (CRB), Chattogram.
Construction Supervision Consultant(CSC): SMEC International Pty Ltd in JV with CANARAIL Consultants Inc, SYSTRA and ACE Consultants Ltd. And in association with STRATEGI Consulting Company Ltd.
Project Management Consultant(PMC) : Development Design Consultant (DDC).
Lot 1 : the Contractor is CT Joint Venture (which consists of China Railway Group Limited & Toma Construction and Company Ltd.)
Lot 2: the Contractor is CCECC-MAX JV (which consists of China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) and Max Infrastructure Limited).
– with CSC-1 (Construction Supervision Consultant) – 14 September, 2017
– with Lot 1 and Lot 2 – 16 September 2017
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD : July, 2010 to June, 2024.
Total Estimated Cost : USD 2013 million.
ADB Funded – USD 1501 million
Government Of Bangladesh – USD 512 million

The government took up the 128km metre-gauge rail line project in 2010, with a target to complete by June 2013. It was supposed to cost Tk 1,852.35 crore.
In 2014, the government decided to install dual-gauge lines and keep space for double lines, which raised the cost to a staggering Tk 18,034.47 crore.
The authorities then made more changes and shelved the plan to build the lines up to Ramu’s Gundum, near the Myanmar border.
But the physical work of the 100km Dohazari-Ramu section started in March 2018, with a current deadline set for June 2024, with a one-year defect liability period.

PD/COX/WD1/LOT1 from Dohazari to Chakaria Km (-) 2+000 to Km 50+400 including signaling and telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu section.
PD/COX/WD1/LOT2 from Chakaria to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu Km 50+400 to Km 101+477 including Cox’s Bazar Iconic Station Building.
Deal Signed for Dohazari-Ramu-Cox's Bazar Rail Link :
Bangladesh Railway (BR) on Saturday, 16 September 2017 signed an agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) to construct rail lines connecting Dohazari and Cox’s Bazar via Ramu. Railways Minister M Mujibul Haque was present as the chief guest at the agreement signing ceremony at Rail Bhaban conference room in the city.

The Project Director, Mohammad Mofizur Rahman and the representative of China’s CREC, Zhong Guangzhou, Zhao Dianglong, the president of the CCICC of the second lot, signed the two lots. Secretary-in-charge of the ministry Md. Mofazzel Hossain, Director General of Railway Md. Amzad Hossain and other High Officials were present at that time.