Terms Of Use
Greetings from Dohazari Cox's Bazar Railway Project (DCRP) at Terms of Use:
- Any updates to this site must be made by the author alone;
- comments that are considered spam will not be permitted.
- All of the information on this page has been found using various search engines, hence DCRP disclaims all liability in the event that it turns out to be inaccurate.
- Please get in touch with us if you see any errors or other issues on the website. The problem will be fixed as soon as we can.
- We were attempting to give you accurate information. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions regarding any of the information. We fix the problem as quickly as we can.
- You are always invited to offer any comments, questions, reviews, ideas, or other content in the form of pictures, videos, or other visuals.
The following guidelines are prohibited:
(a) No communication materials or materials may be posted, uploaded, or distributed.
(b) Illegal, profane, indecent, explicit sexual material, threatening, harassing, abusive, racist, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, advocating privacy, offensive, any religiously offensive material, or material that is otherwise harmful or offensive to third parties.
(c) Contains computer program bugs, malicious files, or other software file bugs that could harm or interfere with the operation of other computers.
(d) Promotional materials, unreasonable advertising, and political propaganda are prohibited.