Project Components

Main Components Of The DCRP Project​​

Welcome to the official website of the Dohazari Cox’s Bazar Railway Project! Here, we invite you to explore the exciting developments of this project that aims to improve transportation in the beautiful Cox’s Bazar region. Learn about its main components, the progress it’s making, and how it will positively impact the local communities. Join us on this journey towards a better-connected future for Cox’s Bazar!

Land Acquisition

The latest requirement of total amount of land for acquisition is 1,387 acres for the project. Of 1,387 acres, a total of 1367.3664 acres of lands had already been acquired.

Civil/ Construction Works​

Phase I :
Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar Via Ramu.

Phase II :
Ramu to Gundum
Iconic Station
Big Under Pass

Consultancy Services

Package SD1:

Package SD3:

Resettlement Activities

The RP contains provisions for payment of compensation, assistance and resettlement benefits to both the TH and NTH affected persons.


Major qualitative environmental issues as mentioned in the EMP such as noise attenuation, dust control, protection of water bodies etc.


Preventing HIV from spreading and building awareness is the key issue in this project instead of medication and treatment facilities.


Health and safety should be an integral part of any project.

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