The commercial journey of the train from the capital to the tourist city of Cox’s Bazar is starting on December 1, the name of the train is ‘Cox’s Bazar Express’.
The inter-city train will depart from Central Railway Station Kamalapur and reach Cox’s Bazar station non-stop. En route will stop at Dhaka Airport Station and Chittagong Station only.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina officially inaugurated the 102 km newly constructed railway from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar on November 11. And the railway from Chittagong to Dohazari is already operational.
From Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar, the fare of Sobhan chair is Tk 505. 960 Tk for air-conditioned soft class. And the fare for AC seat and AC berth has been fixed at Tk 1156 and Tk 1731 respectively.
The train will leave Cox’s Bazar for Dhaka at 12:40 p.m. on December 1 and reach Dhaka at 9:10 p.m. It takes 8 and a half hours.

And on that day, the train will leave Dhaka at 10:30 PM and reach Cox’s Bazar at 6:40 AM the next day. As such, it will take 8 hours and 10 minutes to reach the tourist town.
Train number 814 from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar will leave every night, the weekly closing day of this train is Monday.
And train number 813 from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka will leave at the same time every day, and the train will be closed there on Tuesday.
Eastern Railway’s ACOPS Mohammad Abu Bakr Siddiqui told, “A pair of intercity trains will start running on the Dhaka-Cox’s Bazar-Dhaka route from December 1.
“The train will run as ‘Cox’s Bazar Express’ with 780 passengers. It will stand only at Dhaka Airport Station and Chittagong Station.”
However, he said that the start time of train movement on Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar route has not been decided yet.
Railway officials said that for the comfort and safety of tourists, it has been decided to operate the train with Korean coaches.
Railways plans to start ticketing of ‘Cox’s Bazar Express’ train from November 23.

Cox’s Bazar Express train leaves Cox’s Bazar at 12:40 PM and arrives Chittagong at 3:40 PM. The train will leave Chittagong at 4 PM and reach Dhaka Airport Station at 8:30 PM with a 20 minute break. The train will reach Dhaka’s Kamalapur station at 9:10 PM.
How much is the fare for any seat on the Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar railway?
On the other hand, the train will leave Dhaka at 10:30 PM and reach the airport station at 10:53 PM. It will leave for Chittagong at 10:58 PM with a break of 5 minutes there.
The train will reach Chittagong railway station at 3:40 PM. After a break of 20 minutes, it will leave Chittagong railway station at 4 am and reach Cox’s Bazar station at 6:40 am.
News Source : BD News 24.Com